Hey folks, Adam Barnhardt here.
If you're listening to this, you probably know me from one of a few places in a time in the not so distant past, I was a staff writer for ComicBook.com where I wrote for the better part of eight years. As the times have changed, however, I've since left that role behind to pursue other opportunities.
Currently, I am a comics Editor at cbr, overseeing the Comics News Comics Authority teams for the longest running comics website in the business.
I also write, letter and publish my own comics under my banner Meltdown Press titles like Shit Show Keepers of the Cosmos, Knock, Moonspawn and the Defenders of the Dark and many others. Soon enough, I'll also be hosting this podcast as well.
Inks and Ideas each episode of this pod will feature a guest or two as we discuss stories we've told and stories we hope to tell. Soon, these guests will be consumed by sharing tales that teleport us to lands far from here.
We'll be leaning largely into comics because I earnestly believe it's the most powerful storytelling medium we have. That's not not to say we'll never be talking to those that work in film, television pros and beyond, because we most certainly will.
In fact, I can say our first two guests up here in an upcoming television show.
For as long as I can remember, I've felt every single person on the face of this planet has a story to tell, and we're going to tell them through inks and ideas. Maybe we'll feature a comic writer behind the next best cape book.
Or maybe we'll host a live Q and A with an artist while they're drawing a page live. Maybe we'll talk to an actor or filmmaker behind an upcoming series or film.
Hell, maybe we'll even talk to one of you and chat about some of our favorite stories. I'm hoping to keep these episodes between 30 minutes and an hour long, so they're not super long to get through.
Schedule wise, I can say I'm comfortable with at least two episodes a month, but if it gets to the point where we can stage a weekly release, awesome.
By the time you listen to this zero episode, if you will, we will hopefully be on most podcasting platforms so you will be able to subscribe wherever you choose to listen to podcasts. We'll also have a website set up at inksandideas.com where you will be able to find us as well.
Until next time, friends.